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Machine Sewing Classes


If you have the sewing bug this year, or you've made a new year's resolution to learn something new..

Have a go at a great starter sewing project and learn how to make your own...

Knickers... Choose from a selection of soft cotton and viscose fabrics, lovely lacy elastics and pretty trims for your most luxurious pair of knickers ever!

Pyjama Bottoms... Choose your size (if you're very kind you could make them for a family member or a friend) and fabric from our selection of soft and cosy cottons. Warning: this project is highly addictive, once you've made one pair you won't be able to stop!

Skirts...Create a gathered skirt that fits your perfectly, from your own waist and length measurements. Add a waistband and zip and hem to finish!

Heirloom Doll...Learn how to create the basic structure of a traditional fabric doll. You will also begin to embroider her face and add her hair, and add tights, trousers, shoes and tops as you go ( so she is at least semi-dressed!)

Please book to arrange your class here (minimum 4 people) or contact us at [email protected] for more information